Kendriya Vihar
Bhubaneswar Phase-ii
PHASE II , Begunia Barahi, Bhubaneswar-752054
The 2nd executive body meeting of AOA of Phase-II was held on 24th August at 5.30 PM in the ground floor of KV community hall. The following members were present :
i) Mr.J Patro, Vice President, ii) Mr. B Mahapatra, Secretary, iii) Mr.B Bramha, Member, iv) Mr NK. Pal, Member, v) Mr. U S Mishra, Member, vi) Mr.G.Y Rao, Member, vii) Dr.Jagannath Mishra, Member, viii) Mr. S Biswal, Member, ix) Mr.R N Tripathy, Member cum Treasurer, (x) Shri M.K Sahoo, beneficiary. The meeting was presided by Shri Jagannath.Patro, Vice President.
Points discussed and the decisions arrived at, are as follows:
Confirmation of proceedings of 1st Executive body meeting:
First executive body meeting was held on 3rd August 2019 just after the formation of AOA and the draft copy of Memorandum of Association was accepted pending some editing . In the said meeting it was decided to have a joint meeting with the Executive Committee of Phase-1 to consult and resolve certain common issues.
Editing of the Memorandum of Association is complete, but efforts made to hold the joint meeting with Ph-1 failed to yield any result as the Secretary of KVAOA-Ph- I neither could give a date convenient to them in spite of repeated requests nor participated with his committee members in this meeting which was fixed after giving adequate notice
The agenda items for the joint meeting were Security, sharing of Community Center and allied infrastructure and smooth functioning of STP which are common to both Ph-1 and phase-II. These items could not be taken up and the modalities of sharing/managing these could not be worked out due to absence of Ph-I office bearers. Further course of action will be decided in consultation with CGEWHO office.
Approval of Expenditure for the month of August :
A demand for Rs.1,28,156 /- was made from the project office towards various expenses for the month of August and previous months, which was approved by the committee after due deliberations. The treasurer, from the records obtained from the project office submitted that the total expenses up to 31st July was Rs. 2,90,461/-.
Foul Smell in STP: It was ascertained that foul smell is there due to two reasons, failure of the pump connected to main collection chamber to pump requisite quantity of water and use of insufficient chemical. Therefore, it was decided to purchase a new pump through a purchase committee and to supervise and monitor the maintenance workers at the time of putting chemical.
Projection for keeping flower pots and drying clothes:
It was decided by majority not to put iron/steel grills or rods beyond the wall of balcony. Use of stands may be done for drying of clothes for giving aesthetic look to the buildings. Various type of stands are available in the market for drying clothes.
Garbage Collection:
It was decided to negotiate with the Municipal garbage lifting contractor involved in collecting garbage from Phase-I to collect the garbage from the dustbin of each flat on payment of Rs.5000/- per month and if it fructifies, the services of present garbage collector will be discontinued.
Pending works by CGEWHO:
The status of fixing the float valve in the overhead water tanks and Pending works promised by CGEWHO viz. Road from culvert to Gate, Community hall painting, EPBX, CCTV, completion of boundary wall and renovation of existing gate were discussed with the contracting agency and request was made to complete all the jobs as soon as possible. For CCTV a camera with 360 degree at the gate and reasonable pole height for high-mast light was also discussed and finalised. Also EPBX for 256 lines with provision for 512 lines was finalised. Regarding STP cover, CGEWHO will be pressurized again for fulfilling its promise.
Formation of Purchase Committee:
For purchase of suitable horse power pump, which is required soon and for all other future purchases a purchase committee was formed comprising S/Shri R.N Tripathy, Sarbeswar Biswal and Dr. Jagannath Mishra. They were requested to look for a suitable pump for installation in the STP.
Subscription from the residents:
After November, CGEWHO is supposed to hand over the flats to AOA and AOA has to bear the day to day expenses. In order to meet the expenses for the proper maintenance of the flats, infrastructure and surrounding areas of the Campus a monthly uniform subscription of Rs. 1,000/- was decided to be collected from the members subject to ratification by the forthcoming General body meeting.
Giving flats on rent:
It was unanimously decided that before giving a flat on rent the following formalities must be completed.
i). Information to local police in the prescribed format.
ii).Submission of photo I-card of the tenant and copy of agreement to the Ph-II office. As far as possible families should be given preference.
The meeting concluded at 09 PM with cordial exchange of views among the members.
(B.Mahapatra) General Secretary.